It’s a simple process and it doesn’t require any particular skill – just a desire to tune into your deep wisdom and desires, making an intention (conscious decision) to create a physical representation of these and a willingness to TRUST yourself (that the ideas that you come up with are able to become part of your life and not just some crazy pipe dreams!) Funnily enough, that first vision board I ever made had two things on it that came to reality in incredibly specific ways within the next 3 years – an overseas trip and a beautiful teaching venue. Since then things that I’ve had in my visions that have subsequently become part of my life range from making wonderful new friends, getting a magazine – writing contract, selling my house for big profit in a ‘dead’ market and more than once I’ve had money arrive unexpectedly and in such a way that it was the perfect means to realise an item on my vision board. But, more importantly to me, I’ve had many personal growth aspirations on my vision boards and it’s been very cool to notice them become part of how I think and act and how much they have enhanced my day to day existence.
After breaking up with a girlfriend, one of my kids said sadly “I just don’t know how to be romantic”. This surprised me, as I had witnessed the genuinely thoughtful and loving ways in which they had engaged in nurturing the relationship. This set me thinking about how we see “love” being expressed these days: the very public marriage proposals (choreographed months in advance, then posted on social media)… the gestures that involve surprise celebrity appearances… not one bunch of flowers but a room full… I realise that the bar for what we call “love” seems to have been raised very high – impossibly high, or at least unsustainably high. |
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